I was clear on the roadblocks that limited my leadership development programs, but I knew the solution was outside my expertise. That’s when I reached out to a good friend and web developer who patiently listened to my dream of accelerating learning and behavior change for our leaders. Our first step was to tackle an online action planning system. Easy, right?

Over the last two-plus years, hundreds of participants in our leadership development and coaching engagements have adopted “the system”. While it was seamless on the coachee’s end, it was clunky and hard to use on the backend by anyone but me. I was happy to see a quote from Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, “If you’re not embarrassed by your first launch, you launched too late.” The first launched worked, but in retrospect it was embarrassing.

It was time to make a big investment. We owed it to ourselves, and other trainers and coaches, to explore the full potential of the system. That’s when we partnered with a full-service web development and design firm, Crow & Raven in Boulder. Things got really interesting, really fast. What should we name it? What about fonts, color palettes, and other design considerations? Decisions like user avatars, themes, and moodboards became really important. Wireframes, workflow and user experiences were challenged and improved. Finally, user testing and final touches were added. The result? It’s sharp, dynamic and intuitive. It’s Coachmetrix.

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