Easy Ways to Increase Efficiency in Your Coaching PracticeEvery business owner knows the importance of efficiency. Whether it’s the day-to-day operations or long-term goals, having clear direction is a key factor in your business’s longevity. 

Efficiency increases productivity and saves time and money. It also gives you the opportunity to focus on creating greater value for you and your clients, thus increasing your profits. Ultimately, it allows you to have a greater impact on our world. 

But as a coach, it may be difficult to find new ways to improve your operations. Here are a few helpful tips on how to make your coaching practice more efficient.

Move Your Coaching Practice Online 

Over the past two and a half years, the pandemic forced many businesses to run virtually. Now, many executives are returning to the office. But, there is still so much value in having an online coaching business.

Coaching leaders remotely can be as intimate, vulnerable, and meaningful as coaching them in person. You can keep much of the same structure used when coaching executives in person. You’ll still conduct coaching sessions, observe your leaders and use assessment tools and profiles. 

How does remote coaching make your business more efficient? 

Taking your coaching online offers greater scalability. Coaches that only meet in person are limited by their location. By taking your business online, you are no longer restricted by proximity, allowing you to broaden your business to clients all over the world. Think of the benefits of that added visibility and experience. 

Easy Ways to Increase Efficiency in Your Coaching Practice

Easily Create Repeatable Content

Having content you use over and over again will make it easier to send information quicker, and it can be a tremendous value add to your coachees. By making these changes, you will only need to do the work once, giving you more time to add more value to your coaching clients.

Here are a few ideas to create repeatable content: 

  • Design a welcome kit to give to your clients outlining specific steps on how the coaching engagement will begin. Detail how they can get the most out of their coaching sessions. 
  • Provide a step-by-step guide to creating an action plan. 
  • Build out assignments for the sessions with reference videos, blog posts, and or podcasts. 
  • Create leadership frameworks to help clients engage their people in critical business conversations, like how to coach, delegate and set expectations. 

Easy Ways to Increase Efficiency in Your Coaching Practice

Streamline Your Coaching Communications To Maximize Efficiency

Once you have created repeatable content, it’s time to streamline your communication. You should know where to find all of your resources, assignments, etc. for when it’s time to share them with your clients.

The best way to start is to assess how many communication channels you use to communicate with your client today. If the answer is more than one, you may have some opportunities to improve efficiency. For example, are you using email? Google Docs? Drop Box? Slack?

Using multiple channels of communication can be overwhelming for your already busy clients. Alternatively, if you invest in using a Coaching software platform, like Coachmetrix, you’ll be able to optimize and streamline all of your client communication.

Coachmetrix makes it easy to accomplish so much, all in one place. You can: 

  • Build resources and assignments 
  • Create discussions (and even templates for repeatable discussions that happen throughout an engagement) 
  • Add videos

Best of all, your content is conveniently stored in one central place for easy access.

Make Your Coaching Practice More Efficient

Making some simple tweaks to your day-to-day operations will greatly improve your business’ efficiency. Explore where you can take your coaching practice online, leverage repeatable content, and centralize your communication. Then create a plan to implement those changes and watch your business grow. 

If you’d like to read more on the business of coaching, head over to our blog. Don’t forget to sign up for a free 14-day trial of Coachmetrix . With a 14-day free trial, you can test out how Coachmetrix can help make your coaching practice more efficient – so that you can have a bigger impact on the world. 

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