Sharing Resources with Other Coaches

Resources is one of Coachmetrix’s most powerful features. Coaches can store all of their materials online and easily distribute them to their clients. This makes it convenient for all users to access materials on their own time on any device.

Another benefit of Resources is Coaches can utilize them across all of their projects, so Coaches only need to create them once and share with Participants at their discretion.

Resources enable Coaches to leverage their library of material by sharing with clients in order to reinforce learnings, provide instruction, guide clients in going deeper into subjects through a broad range of media – text, images, video and documents.

Now it’s easy for Coaches to share Resources with other coaches on their team.

The Coach can decide to keep a Resource private or move it to a shared page allowing other Coaches on the team to access and use it with their clients.

Of course a Coach may decide to remove a Resource from the shared page and return it to the private page. This change of status will not impact Resources that have already been shared with Participants.

Being able to share Resources allows Coaches to more efficiently collaborate and leverage material to best support the needs of their clients.

To learn more, check out the Knowledge Base article:  Sharing Resources with Other Coaches.




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