Last month we announced that Coachmetrix 2.0 is right around the corner. We’re pretty confident that you’re going to love the new coaching software design, improved features, and easier navigation.
Wondering what to expect?
On May 6th, we’ll be starting with:
- A fresh look and feel
- New search ability
- …and the building blocks to improve our navigation to streamline how you create and share Coaching Resources, Collections, Assignments and Discussion Templates.
Then, over the next 9 months, there will be a series of intentional updates about every 6-8 weeks, to minimize disruption of your work with coaching clients. These new features and upgrades will significantly equip you with the tools you need to set your coaching practice apart, scale your coaching business, and make a bigger difference in the world.
Top 3 FAQ’s about Coachmetrix 2.0
Here are the top 3 frequently asked questions about our Tracking Software for Coaches:
#1 Will my existing coaching projects, resources and client data transition to Coachmetrix 2.0?
Yes! There’s no action needed on your part. When you sign into Coachmetrix after the launch on May 6th, all of your account data will transfer to the new version. It’s that easy.
#2 How will Coachmetrix 2.0 be different from the existing version?
Most of the way Coachmetrix functions will remain as it is today. It had been since 2016 when we designed the original platform. We knew it was time to make better use of space and to update the overall look without making sweeping changes to the coaching platform. Go here to get a preview of what’s changing.
#3 How will you support coaches during the transition to Coachmetrix 2.0?
- We’ll be holding “office hours” to support you through the transition.
- We’ll also be offering short, 15-minute coaching calls to answer any of your questions.
- Our April, May, and June Coachmetrix Best Practices Masterclasses will be focused on orienting coaches to the new Coachmetrix 2.0.
Get ready for the launch by enrolling in office hour and/or 15-minute coaching calls here:
15-minute Support: Schedule 15-minute Support Meeting
Office Hours:
May 6: 11:00am – 12:00pm mountain time
Join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID:793 174 1872
May 13: 10:00am – 11:00pm mountain time
Join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 847 8849 8808
Thank you for being a part of this transition – we’re excited to show you all the awesome new features Coachmetrix 2.0 has to offer business, leadership, and executive coaches that are focused on accountability, measurable impact, and proof of coaching ROI.